Bug Reports 1 1224
Please enter any bug reports here. They will be attended to as quickly as possible and I will post the results back as responses here. Thanks!

Enhancement Requests 1318
Any and all enhancement requests can go in this forum. Thanks!
The Mythos Machine (Web App) - This forum is for making suggestions, and generally discussing the Elthos Mythos Machine Web Application, as well as reporting bugs, should there be any to smash.

New Posts Dwarven Rogue Class06,349
Some information about Dwarven Rogues

New Posts Updated Tutorial Videos06,060

New Posts Levels Advancement Design05,797

New Posts New Money System06,504

New Posts World Event Sequencing06,660

New Posts Manage Players Screen17,189

New Posts World Packages - Concept05,730

New Posts The Character Sheet17,283

New Posts GM / Player Management28,467
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