The Elthos Core Rules Book is designed with the idea of providing the simplest default system for Elthos RPG. As such all of the charts and math are the lowest common denominator, and uses the lowest numeric values possible. For example, it uses the 1d6 system, rather than 2, 3, or 4 dice. This of course is at the expense of sophistication. The Mythos Machine, however, allows customization and thus has options for the Gamesmaster to select a variety of possible alternatives to what's presented in the book.

The Levels Advancement system is one such system. In the book the advancement is the simplest possible. You simple double the experience base for each level and that's the total value needed to be at a specific level. For example, Fighters:

Level --- Experience
1 .......   0
2 .......  20
3 .......  40
4 .......  80
5 ....... 160
6 ....... 320

Thus, the fighter will be at 3rd Level when achieving 40 experience points. There is no accumulation required. At 40 Experience the Fighter goes up to 3rd Level.

On the other hand we could do it differently, and add a bit more sophistication. We could say that each level requires the experience shown in the chart, so to go from 2nd to 3rd Level the character needs to achieve 40 experience points. That chart would look like this:

Level --- Experience
1 .......    0
2 .......   20
3 .......   60
4 .......  140
5 .......  300
6 .......  620

SO in this case the fighter needs to achieve a total of 60 experience to get to 3rd Level.

The difference between these two charts is that the first one is easier to understand, and so it's the one used in the book. The second chart, however, represents a more sophisticated rule, and one that presents a slower growth curve for character advancement. However, I'm not at all sure how important the slower growth is to GMs out there. In addition to that I should also note that there's another way to moderate the advancement rate, which is to to elect to use a different multiplier between levels. Right now the advancement multiplier is 2. So each level doubles the amount experience needed to get to the next level (cumulatively or as a set value). On the other hand the GM can choose a different multiplier, such as 2.5, or 3. Or some other value. They could even set it to 1.5 to make it faster. I suspect that this is good enough variability for the Mythos Machine, and simplifies the design such that instead of two ways to moderate levels advancement there's one.

That said, I'm still deciding which method to use. I'm tending to favor the first. Any thoughts are welcome.
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