
At the moment the Freeman class costs double for Skills and Mystic Powers in terms of both the cost in iron, and the cost in Skill Learning Points, and this is intended to be a deterrent from people simply taking the Freeman class which would allow them to choose any skills and mystic powers. The intention for the Freeman Class is that it should serve for low requisite characters who really couldn't manage to make the grade at the Guild but want to be adventurer's anyway because, well, they're brave and stupid like most adventurers 😉 ... anyway, I'm wondering how I want to finalize the Freeman Class.

I could make the following configurations:

SLP and MLP Cost: x2
Iron Cost: x2 (Iron cost is usually 1 x the SLP, or 10x the MLP)
Experience Gains: Primary (meaning they gain Experience using the Primary formula) for All Skills and Mystic Powers used.


SLP and MLP Cost: x2
Iron Cost: x1
Experience Gains: Primary


SLP and MLP Cost: x2
Iron Cost: x1
Experience Gains: Elective

I can of course make this configurable in the Mythos Machine on World by World basis so that the GM can decide for themselves... though these options could easily wind up making Freemen either too powerful, or too weak. And in addition, I need to have a default option for the Rules Book.

Note: The experience gains analysis excel is here in case you want to understand that aspect of the question in more detail: http://elthos.com/MembersArea/Analysis/ODS_CalcExperience.xls 
There are three tabs, so you may want to start with the one titled "ExperienceGainsCalcs" in case it doesn't open on that one.

Ok, What do you think is the best configuration?