This is the Elthos Role Playing Game forum where people can discuss, comment on, question, bitch about, and otherwise trash my beloved game, the Elthos RPG. :)

As a brief introduction the Elthos RPG has been around since 1978. The rules have gone through 3 rules revisions, and World has gone through two revisions.

Original Rules: based on the first 3 D&D books published around 1974. The rules were streamlined and modularized with the design goal of not having to add more and more charts to the game system. The General Resolution Matrix was invented for this reason. It basically handles all kinds of action resolutions in the game, and used a 1d100 for resolution rolls.

1st Revision of Rules: in 1982 the magic system was revised to use a numerology, based on a discussion with David Kahn and Evan Jones in the wee hours of the morning. The sorcery system was also created to distinquish between Chanted Spells and Freeform Magic.

2nd Revision of the Rules: in 2006 the "One Die System" (ODS) rules were created as a distillation of the Prime rules for use in a local pub by the Literary Role Playing Game Society.

Original World: The Iron Legions of Telgar and the City of Stone campaign. This world was played throughout highschool and my first round of college years.

2nd World: The Celestial Island. Played since 1992 this world is a vast mystical allegory, with plenty of rough and tumble, and is my current world.

My intention is to publish the Core One Die System rules on Lulu.com soon, and to produce a Settings book on the Celestial Island as time permits.

Ok well that's enough history. On with the game! 😃
Thanks! I'm just browsing and checking things out. Looks good so far. 😃