World Weaving is a term that we coined in the Literary Role Playing Game Society of Westchester . It connotes all of those activities around building a world for a role playing game, much of which is related to Tolkien's term Mythopoeia . Creating histories, political structures, economies, religions, races, monsters, scenes, sub-plots, and non-player characters are all a part of World Weaving. This forum discusses Elthos in terms of World Weaving.

There is a lot to Elthos in terms of the World itself. While it is not rigidly defined, Elthos has certain foundational places that exist throughout the multi-dimensional mythopoeic fantasy that encompasses the world. Certainly the central-most Celestial Island on the World of Elthos is among these foundations. The Celestial Island itself is a transdimensional place, and while it also has foundational places, such as the Dragon's Spine Mountains, and the 24 Realms, it too is only partially defined, and extends into other dimensions, and expands into greater spaces.

There will be more on the topic of the Elthos World as time goes on. Feel free to post thoughts, suggestions, and questions regarding the Elthos World here.