Hi guys,

I contacted Roll20 regarding aligning the hexgrid a little bit easier, and worked with one of their 'Super Users' on it, and he has put my recommendations on the 'To Pester' list for the Roll20 developer team.

I asked him the following question:

"That's cool, thanks. On a side note, I take it you don't have any word on the availability of API to Roll20 at this point. Just wondering what your take on that idea might be. I'm a developer, and working on a project that would be ideal for integrating with Roll20, and would love to be able to link to it via an API. But, so far I don't see any word on that. Any idea if there are plans along those lines in the works? Or conversely, do you think Roll20 might be interested in a possible collaboration effort? Mine is a World Building Studio and Gamesmaster's Toolbox. Roll20 would fit very nicely as an adjunct capability. What do you think? Possible?"

He replied:

"The person to talk to would be Nolan. I'd ask him any of that stuff."

and sent his Private Message info.

Questions for you guys:

. Do you think Elthos RPG is a good fit with Roll20?
. If you were to pursue this angle, how would you approach it?
. Is Elthos ready to demo, with the usual "it's not quite finished" caveats?
. What else should I consider before writing to Nolan?

Thanks for any thoughts you may have. I think there is possible synergy with Roll20. If an API can be made available I could use it to link to Roll20 from Elthos RPG. For example, I could setup a method for sending Adventure Groups to Roll20 that would create the base Icons on their system, and populate them with the current stats of the characters in your group. This would be very convenient for Roll20, because at the moment you have to set up all the characters manually. I could also have an "Update" button that either pulls the current stats from Roll20 into your game data, or vice versa.

Any other thoughts come to mind for you guys?
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