There was a bug that had two flaws related to the character sheet print out of the armor.
Life Points (LP)........ _12 [12]             Armor        MOV DXM DAB ACM TAC
Mystic Energy .......... __8 [8]              Round Shield _-1 _-1 _+1 _+1
Current Experience...... _____52              Leather_____ _+0 _+0 _+1 _+1
Iron Pieces............. ______0              Armor Total: _-1 _-1 _+2 _+2 __3

1) The padding was wrong so that when the numbers in the left hand column (Life Points, Mystic Points) expanded from one to two digits it pushed the Armor columns to the left. That has been corrected.

2) The MOV DXM DAB ACM TAC values were being presented in the wrong order. This caused the values to appear to be wrong. That has been corrected.

One remaining item, which may not be that urgent that I am currently only printing out the first two articles of Armor, so additional articals, even if used are not being shown on the sheet. The Total Armor Class (TAC) however is still be calculated correctly, just with the unseen additional Armor. Most characters will have one or two armors though in some cases it may be more. I will think about this, and maybe reduce the number of lines for Weapons, and increase the number of lines for Armor.
I believe Arik is currently the only character with 3+ AC boosting items. If that is the case I don't think it's a sufficiently critical issue to spend significant coding time and effort on at this point.

If I feel that desperate to display Arik's dwarven bling I can just pencil in on the sheets when I get them.
Originally Posted by: SLast 

I believe Arik is currently the only character with 3+ AC boosting items. If that is the case I don't think it's a sufficiently critical issue to spend significant coding time and effort on at this point.

If I feel that desperate to display Arik's dwarven bling I can just pencil in on the sheets when I get them.

That is the case, but I'm wondering if that is more likely than Characters needing / wanting to see three weapons. I kind of think Weapons is more important to show somehow, since the totals for AC are still being done correctly. It may cause confusion though for some players. Another option is to move the Armor's line up one, and have three each, but that would eliminate the space between the last line of Weapons and the header line for armors, so the sheet would look a little bit denser. Hmm... or ... if there is no third weapon I could remove the under line, and create another open space. I will probably go with that, but not now. Plenty of other work to do that is more important. I'll add this to the enhancements list. Thanks for your feedback! 🙂
Very interesting thought! Lets discuss with the group next game. I'm curious what that would look like and what others will say. Thanks!
I would rather have the values printed next to the item in inventory and adjust the armor class myself. Sure, it's convenient to have it done for you, but consider the use of a shield. It's safe to assume that a shield is a fairly standard piece of equipment, and its use is highly variable. For example, there are situations where I will take out my shield, and other situations where I will drop it in favor of speed.

The sheet should only have vital info. Configuring multiple load outs of armor and weapons takes up too much space.