There are different kinds of Fighting Clerics in Elthos.

The Clerical Multi-Classes are:

Monk (Fighter Thief Cleric)
Warrior Monks are experts in the Martial Arts, focusing on hand to hand combat and weapons skills. Due to their spiritual focus they can obtain great power after many years of practice and training.

Mage (SpellChanter Cleric)
Focus on Spellchanting - Can use light weapons only; any mystic powers

Warrior Mage (Fighter SpellChanter Cleric)
Focus on Fighting - Can use any weapons; any mystic powers.

Paladin (Fighter Cleric)
Focus on Fighting - Can learn any weapons; any miracles. Gains Powers as per traditional Paladin. These powers are as follows:
1st Level - Detect Opposing Alignment (10' / Level)
2nd Level - Cures Diseases and Poisonings (1d6 / Level)
3rd Level - Healing Hands (1d6 / Level)
4th Level - Summon Steed (intelligent horse)
5th Level - Smite Opposite Alignment (1d6 / Level)
6th Level - Quest for Sacred Sword - Defender of the Faith

Powers can be used the Level of the Character times per day.

Paladins must act as paragons of their chosen Elkron (which corresponds with Alignment). If their actions cause them to fall out of the Alignment then they forfiet their Paladinic Powers until they can Atone for their sins (usually by Quests, or performing deeds that correct their Alignment sufficiently), at which point their powers are reinstated. For example, a Lawful Good Paladin should not use poisons, but a Lawful Evil Paladin might be expected to do so. Note that for this class Character Requisites are higher than those required for the individual classes it is composed of.

Trollhunter (Fighter SpellChanter Cleric)
Trollhunters are a class of Knight Mages who are famous for hunting, trapping or killing large monsters. Their specialty is troll, for which they have special equipment and training, but they are not limited to trolls actually. Troll hunting entails the use of Solar Lamps (various sizes depending on the quarry), Troll-Slime (to hide their human odor), specially modified heavy platemail, and the use of a heavy armored war horse. Most often Trollhunters are Paladins, but they do not absolutely need to be. Due to the extreme occupational hazards associated with this class, it is recommended that Characters be at least 4th level before they are admitted to it by the Guild. Note, when changing to this class from a lower Experience Base Guild Class, the Character's actual level will be reduced due to the higher Experience Base. Ref: this class is based on the main character from the movie Trollhunter. Note that for this class Character Requisites are higher than those required for the individual classes it is composed of.

Warrior Priest (Fighter Cleric)
Warrior Priests are trained in the the priesthood as are normal clerics, but are also trained equally as fighters.