There's been a lot of talk over on the LRPGSW Yahoo Group about The Spiral Method which we found described in a blog here:

The Spiral Method

How would you use the spiral method with the Elthos RPG Web Application? What you could do is create places, lets say a free-floating tavern named The White Lily, to which you have attached some specific characters (the homely but brilliant barmaid, the bartender who nips on the hooch, the bouncer with a dark past, and some locals like Joe, Dick and Harry), and then create a campaign for it, say something like "The Tavern at Night", and then create an Adventure, say something like "Conversations in the White Lily". Now you can create the characters and make a group for them, say "The White Lily Crew". Now you can attach your group to the tavern. Then instead of locating the tavern in some specific place in your world like Hamfest township, you can place it at a higher level in the places hierarchy, say right under your world, so it shows up anywhere, or perhaps on a specific realm (continent), because you gave it cultural associations, or perhaps in a region somewhere, but not very specifically. Then at anytime you need to have a tavern in your game that is ready with characters and whatever else a tavern might need, it's there for you in the Spiral Method sense. You simply have to not over-specify where things are located, and it works fine.

I think.

I'm going to try that and see how it goes. I think it should work out fine.
