The ODS "One Die System" Rules are a distillation of the larger Elthos Prime Rules and are designed for several possible scenarios. The rules were created originally as a mini-system for use by the Literary Role Playing Game Society of Westchester (LRPGSW) where we would meet at a local Pub to discuss Gamesmastering and World Weaving Tecchniques and it seems like a useful idea to have a very fast light-wieght mini-system to experiment on GMing ideas with. It quickly became apparent however that other people might like to use the system as well, and so here's the list of possible uses:

1. You want to RPG in a public place without too much noticable gear.
2. You want a game that can be played either like a story, or like a chess game, depending on what the characters do.
3. You want a simplified RPG for use by children where the rules and math are easily learned and applied.
4. You are story focused and like a rules-light game.
5. You want a fast light-weigth game for a pub where you can pit characters against eachother in fast combat for beers.

Thus, the Commensement Edition of the ODS is labeled as the Picnic Table & Pub Edition.

As such you will notice that the ODS Rules deal with very tiny numbers and have very short lists of items, races, classes and so on. The rules are intended to be expanded upon by Gamesmasters. There is a simple guideline to expanding the rules... keep it simple!

I have not yet posted the rules to Lulu or RPGNet, but will do so pending final edits.

Please feel free to use this forum to comment on the rules and/or ask questions. Griping and bitching are also welcome as I hope from that to improve the rules further.

I will post here as soon as the ODS Rules book come online.