Today I updated the World Trading Post to allow people to filter Worlds based on their prefered Genres. I'm fairly satisfied with the functionality, but I'm not 100% sure that it's working entirely the way it should at the moment. It has one rough spot, frankly, that I'm not sure how to handle. That being that it will show worlds in the list that don't necessarily have public items in each Objects Category. So for example, if you filter on 'Western' Genre and you see "Wild West" World, and have selected to look at Armors, it's possible that there are no public Armors in Wild West for you to view. So you wind up wasting a click or two to hunt and peck around. I'm sure there's a way to filter it more intelligently so I'll think about it. For now, it's better though than it was before without any filtering of worlds by Genre. This feature will allow people running specific Genre worlds to find other worlds of the same genre and see what they have to offer. I think that's a good direction, but it needs a bit of refinement at the moment.