Overall things are going well with the ODS Test Phase. We've had several game tests in the past month and a half and I have scheduled more to come. I am anticipating having the rules book updated and finalized for version 1 by mid summer, and plan to post it to lulu.com for downloading. I may post it elsewhere as well.

The next task at hand is to shore up the magic system. Since the ODS numbers are very small they tend to splotlight imbalences in the system very quickly. What I'm planning to do is to keep the point based spell building method, but apply various geometries and mystic categories so that the sorcerer characters can mix and match spells to their own satisfaction, while the traditional spellchanters will use spell book based magic. The Elthos Prime system already makes that distiction, so it simply needs to be applied to the ODS. So things are coming along, as usual, slowly but surely.
So far so good. Best wishes! Looking forward to seeing it online and out in the wilds! 😃
So far so good. I have a completed 1st version draft (v2.6) that I think is probably close to finished. We've been game testing the system over the summer and into the fall. So far it plays very nicely. I'm fairly well pleased with the results. I hope to be posting the rules fairly soon.