Very happy to announce that the new and improved SEO oriented WordPress front end of Elthos.com has been implemented. Good news for Elthos. We've updated the website so that we now have a much more coherent landing page for the Elthos Project overall. Before the landing page was focused solely on the Mythos Machine, but in reality Elthos is a bigger Project than that, encompassing the goals and aspirations of the Literary Role Playing Game Society, and the Professional Gamesmaster Society, as well as an over-arching array of future products beyond what the Mythos Machine will offer. So by stepping back a page, and delivering a larger scale viewpoint of the Elthos Project we can provide a better view of the project as a whole. We will also be implementing our community hub directly on the landing page (coming soon) so that people can keep up with the latest news, and easily link directly from there to any of our present and future Social Media sites. This is a pretty major step forward for Elthos, and so I'm happy to say the migration is going well, and so far we've only had one hiccup (the forum needs to be reconfigured), which from my point of view as an IT Professional is pretty darn good. We still have to fill in some of the blanks on the revised site, such as our initial product offerings, our about page, and clean up a few things but overall, I'd say we're making stellar progress! I want to thank Auggie Diaz at Ask8.com for his fabulous help and support!