• Maybe a larger image, maybe tied to the header of the forum
• Maybe quotes from fans or something cryptic from the game?

• The blog, the forum, and the site in general lack cohesion

• instead of the plain pale blue, maybe do the gradient that is the inner background of the cards?
• Maybe instead of the three cards in the center, list three on each side?
• Ideally making all the links up top images with rollovers to highlight, than we can use the same font used in the cards

Overall, I would recommend first telling me what limitations exist within the website (design within certain frames/layouts?). If we did a cover page for example, I would try to make this a theme that would carry though out all of the site. It'll look much better as a whole when the overall look is determined. Let me know if this makes sense? Just my opinion.
Originally Posted by: jason_m 

• Maybe a larger image, maybe tied to the header of the forum
• Maybe quotes from fans or something cryptic from the game?

• The blog, the forum, and the site in general lack cohesion

• instead of the plain pale blue, maybe do the gradient that is the inner background of the cards?
• Maybe instead of the three cards in the center, list three on each side?
• Ideally making all the links up top images with rollovers to highlight, than we can use the same font used in the cards

Overall, I would recommend first telling me what limitations exist within the website (design within certain frames/layouts?). If we did a cover page for example, I would try to make this a theme that would carry though out all of the site. It'll look much better as a whole when the overall look is determined. Let me know if this makes sense? Just my opinion.

As I mentioned in my reply to the previous post, we're looking to build out a list of things you might work on so we can price that out and establish a project plan for you. So lets think in that direction while we brainstorm. And again, as Art Director for the project Charles will have final say, and help to guide the process along the way wherever he deems necessary.

  • default.aspx - I made a stab at revamping it with some jquery and css3, and yes, everyone agrees that while cooler it still needs work. I'm open to suggestions. As this point it demos the ability to transition the elements on the page, fade in and out, and move them to the center or elsewhere. We can now map out a good idea of what the final page should look like. I do like the idea of quotes from fans or something from the site, or even marketing slogans that explains something about what the site is for (such as the one that's there now, but perhaps more of that? Not sure. Again - open to recommendations. So "Help Brainstorm with Home Page Design" could be one element on our List of Project Tasks.
  • The blog is on Blogger.com ... Indeed we can certainly work on merging the Blog look with the site look as Blogger allows you to format your blogs using CSS - so long as we keep the elements that are required for the blog to function we can modify it however we wish. That said, it may be a somewhat complicated task to do so, and time consuming. The CSS is a bit cumbersome.
  • Introduction page - Again, DEFINITELY open to suggestions. The intro page as it is is simply a place holder. I don't even intend for the cards to be the images there. I'm looking for something where the images reflect the statements. They can be cartoons or photos or drawings that reflect the points being made. This is the Marketing page that is supposed to get people to say "WOW! That Freakin Sounds COOL, man! I want to sign up right NOW!"

The technology of the website is: ASP.Net (4.5) using master pages. The look and feel are guided by CSS3 in two files (one that handles colors, and the other that handles all the elements such as tables, images, etc.), and a limited amount (at this point) of JQuery/Javascript. So another Item we can add to the Project List would be "CSS3 Site Style" work.

Most keenly what I want is buttons, and florishes that can be used throughout the site.

Also, I can do the actual work on the style sheets myself, or you can do that work, but we would need to work closely together on it, so if so that would require collaborating in real time. At least to some degree and especially in the beginning while we establish the Look & Feel. If I do the actual work (I do lean in that direction as I have my own way of organizing the style sheets - not a good way, mind you, but my way, which is not the same as "good", but more or less works for me. In other words - probably confusing to others), then I would want you to provide sketches of what you think the site should look like and how it should work. That is something we would want in either case, regardless of who does the actual grunt work of changing the style sheets. The main thing is to work on the Design itself. That includes the color pallet, flourishes, buttons, and to some degree the layout of the pages, the navigation and the flow. Brainstorming and Sketches, therefore, could be another item on the "Project List".

Ok good start. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
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