• is there a link back to the main site from the forum?
• Color scheme - Blue seems to be the most prevalent in the cards, would it make sense to carry navy blue throughout the site and forum?
• the wheel in the header is small, what if we did 2 elements on one side and 2 on the other, maybe incorporate the card design into the header?
Originally Posted by: jason_m 

• is there a link back to the main site from the forum?
• Color scheme - Blue seems to be the most prevalent in the cards, would it make sense to carry navy blue throughout the site and forum?
• the wheel in the header is small, what if we did 2 elements on one side and 2 on the other, maybe incorporate the card design into the header?

  • At the moment there is no link back to the main site from the forum. Good point to add that.
  • I think we want to work out a color palate that is based on the Rules Book and the Cards. We're think from the cards we should try to get elements such as the flourishes (the curly bits) and use those somehow on the site to tie it visually to the cards and create a sense of consistency. We will also be able to use those in the book to further tie things together. I'd like it if you could propose a palate. I can then work with Charles to go over and amend it if necessary, or go ahead and apply it. He's the artistic director for the project, so he will get final says on all of these decisions.
  • The banner at the top of the forum is going to be changed. For one thing the name of the web application is no longer "Elthos Imagination Machine" ... we changed it to "The Mythos Machine". The double circles on the left side of the banner are a proto-logo, and not especially great. I would like to come up with a Logo for Elthos RPG, and that was my first draft. I based it on your back face card. I would like the logo to somehow reflect the pattern on the back face, which are two circles of 12, with the outer circle squares and the inner circle circles, in the color pattern of the deck. That represents the Cosmological Map. However, as you can see, it's easier said than done to make that idea work - and maybe it's not workable. If you would like to provide some sketches of anything you have in mind for it, that would be great. We can discuss. Again, Charles will have final say on these kinds of decisions.

Right now what we want to do is compile a list of things you may work on, and then discuss pricing for your proposals. So lets brainstorm in that direction until we nail down a project plan. Thanks.