Little odd thing happened, I created an account on my tablet and nothing happened. I recreated the account on my cpu and it worked perfectly. Could have been a one time oops, but just thought you should know. I've been going over the site making notes and should have my thoughts organized tomorrow at the latest.
Originally Posted by: jason_m 

Little odd thing happened, I created an account on my tablet and nothing happened. I recreated the account on my cpu and it worked perfectly. Could have been a one time oops, but just thought you should know. I've been going over the site making notes and should have my thoughts organized tomorrow at the latest.

Ok that's interesting. At this point the site is not designed for touch screen usage. That's something I will hope to work on soon, but the site on a desktop computer or laptop should work normally.

I look forward to reading your thoughts. Please post individual topics in new threads if that makes sense to you. Thanks, Jason!


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