This review was very kindly provided by Syd of Canada who spent a good deal of time playing around with Mythos Machine in order to provide this analysis. I am extremely grateful to him for this, and hope to put his insights to good use!

Preface Notes:

Kings are big ego users who want their creative visions to be the best, and see any flaws as threats to their worldview. They are most likely to fully utilize the robust feature set of Mythos Machine and complete their projects.

Knights are experienced RPG players and coders who are undeterred by technical imperfections and able to overcome issues themselves. They represent an important early adopter group for Mythos Machine.

Adventurers thoroughly research tools before committing, and focus on functionality over appearance. They completely immerse themselves in tools like Mythos Machine once convinced.

Princesses are more concept-driven users interested in ideas and creativity over technical prowess. They need systems like Mythos Machine to feel polished and orderly to sustain interest.

Tourists get easily excited by novel concepts and shine them to others, making them important potential early amplifiers for Elthos RPG and Mythos Machine if the right sparkle can be provided.

1: Style (A story of knights and princesses)

1.1.: Definitions

Knights are the web/code makers or database user.

Princesses are new users, usually seeing most coding or programs as esoteric knowledge.

1.2.: Analysis

The style of the website is rough, like I have said before, it has this y2000 vibe. It is for knights a non-issue. For others, it is important.

Since the first look is what create judgements in the mind of mortal, a princess may find the style unappealing.

The problem we are facing is that your website, and your tool, is made for Princesses, but requires being a Knight. The style is very easily at grasp for an iron fist, but not the delicate.

On the other side, Knights can go on quest and do not fear work. If it is not exactly how they want, they will do it themselves. Knights are not your target for style, but can be your ally, since they can make do with almost nothing.

1.3.: Idea of a direction

Maybe have Dashboard that can easily navigate and see rapidly the diverse options can help. Using some beautify tools could be also an avenue. Anything that can make the person say "wow, this is mine" even if close to no work has been done. Princesses needs to feel beautiful and in order, even if it is not in order.

2: Data gathering (A story of Kings, Princes and Hunters)

2.1.: Definitions

Kings are the big ego folks. What they do is the best and anything else is bad. Them being good of not is not relevant.

Hunters are ones that will do a lot of research and will come back with massive amount of data.

Princes are dreamers, they have a lot of ideas and will add/delete them a lot, as their visions is ever-changing.

2.2.: Analysis

Your website is very great for data gathering. When we manipulate it a bit, we understand all the room available and everything can be put in order with great effectiveness. I think this is where your strength shine most.

There are some problems though that we may face through navigation.

The remnants of your system will be a clear repulsion to any Kings and Princes (but mostly Kings). They will see this as a taint to their vision. After working a little on your website, these remnant will slowly become obstacles, then burdens, then annoyances to their worldview. I don't want to draw them into a very bad light, but since your program offer to make their vision appear, remnant can pollute it and slowly/rapidly shrink their motivations. Kings are usually those who will go all the way to complete their world. So even though they may be the most obnoxious of all the styles, they are the main one that must be targeted to sell your service.

For a hunter, everything is perfect. They can gather all they need can dump it into the system, and all will work. The only obstacle for Hunters are if they lose themselves into their own gathering can get exhausted.

For Princes, just like princesses, they love ideas. Your website is good at showing (with the pathing tree) what they built, and will enjoy making it grow with a lot of incomplete nonsense. Then they will lose themselves and not even touch it anymore.

2.3.: Idea of a direction

For hunters and princes, I'd suggest an idea where people can click on an option to receive an email every month on chosen pathing subject. Like a "remind me". The email could say: "Hey, do not forget about Terror Mountain --> Castle of the brave Quest 2!". Not something heavy to annoy, but something light to re-animate motivation. They do not lack ideas.

For kings, thats more intense. Kings wants themselves only on the podium. Maybe if you can find a way to remove any attachment to your system, it would help. Also, they are probably the most likely to finish their project. Big ego boys are usually the ones that love finishing their stuffs.

The incorporation and exploration of AI as you do it is also fantastic. Probably, for all three protagonist, they will be motivated more to have a tool that can assist them directly in the system.

3: Marketing (A story of Tourists and Adventurers)

3.1.: Definitions

Tourists are the ones that are easily impressed and amazed. Anything and Everything you do will generate enthusiasm, as long as they feel targeted.

In the other side, Adventurers are the one that doesnt let sparkles and words distract them. They need to be sure where they are going and how it will be done.

3.2.: Analysis

You seem to market everything for Adventurers. It is good, it is even perfect. They are the one that will take all their stuff and pour it inside your website. The problem is: Adventurers keeps the bounty just for them. Except when confronted, they do not tend to share what they know or use.

You offer tools for publications, gather data and classify data, which is all an adventurer needs. Those who will use it will be more than happy with the results!

But, as mentioned, they won't share their knowledge. The Tourist must think it is made for them, see the website, play with it then leave. Then when they meet an advanturer, they talk about this awesome place they have been and would be perfect for the adventurer.

3.3.: Idea of a direction

I think you should broaden where you talk about your program, and not solely focus on adventurers. When enough tourist will see the tool, you will slowly attract the greatest fish of them all: The Tourist/Adventurer hybrid. Someone that speaks a lot and tries a lot (like youtubers, media influencers, etc.)

They must be hinted that this place exist and it is fun. For this, it must become a "tavern's rumor" they can hear.

Going hand in hand with the style, If you satisfy the princesses, tourist will say wow! And adventurers will be attracted by the noise

I already spoke to you about other points, I think they are still relevant.

So to answer your question, here's my Answer (which may not be the perfect one, but it is based my exploration!)

"Why people join, try a little, then leave?"
Because they are Prince tourists, and you have yet to attract King Adventurers. A lot of people will act like princesses and as such, you have to accommodate them. By casting a wide net, you will catch some wonderful Kings/Hunters/Knights and Adventurers that will test it, and even fewer will keep at it until it is done. It is a numbers game, and the more it is made to cater to them, the more they will stay.

And we must not forget. If it is a paid service, the customer must see the value in the service. If they do not see the value, any prices that isn't free (and sometimes even free) is too much. Maybe making a showcase of products and show how much sales they can get with the proper setup. If you have no examples, you can always make some estimations. BUT THEY MUST SEE THE VALUES!

This concludes my critic, I am 100% behind this project of yours. I find it amazing.
I have created an AI Business Analysis Bot using Claude-Instant-100k whom I trained on Elthos RPG and a variety of books on SaaS businesses. Here is what it had to say in reference to Syd's review:

Here are my recommendations for Elthos RPG/Mythos Machine to increase adoption and succeed as a SaaS business:

The Mythos Machine fills an important need as one of the few RPG support software applications, leveraging Mark Abrams' extensive experience. However, increased usability and broadened appeal are needed for growth.

While powerful for dedicated "Knights", the website risks appearing technical or dated to more casual "Princesses". Updating the interface per the reviewer's suggestions could make it feel more welcoming, intuitive and turnkey for a wider audience.

Capturing insightful reviewer feedback like this will be valuable for prioritizing improvements. Adding dashboard summaries and guides to help new users start projects quickly could lower barriers.

Significant "Kings", "Hunters" and adventure-focused "Knights" are most likely to fully utilize the robust feature set, but may be difficult to attract initially. Broader marketing that also highlights the tool's benefits for idea-focused "Princes" and "Tourists" could spark more word-of-mouth and trial among influencers.

Offering lightweight periodic outbound touches like project reminders may help re-engage lapsed users before they disconnect altogether. Demonstrating real examples of how the tool has delivered value for others will be important to justify costs and build trust.

Continued refinement based on user research can help Elthos RPG sustain momentum by ensuring the products meet varied needs across its target communities. With dedication to the customer experience and iteration on feedback, success securing committed long term users is attainable.
Given the current state of Mythos Machine I am wondering if it might not be a good idea to focus on marketing to Knights. What do you think?

Focusing marketing efforts specifically on "Knights" could be an effective initial strategy for Elthos RPG and the Mythos Machine.

As "Knights" represent experienced RPG players who are comfortable with technical complexity, they are among the most likely to fully embrace the robust creative campaign tools currently offered by the Mythos Machine. These dedicated early adopters may be willing to overlook any interface imperfections or dated design aspects in order to utilize the system's unique feature set.

By engaging directly with the "Knight" community through existing RPG forums and websites, Mythos Machine could build a core audience of power users to provide feedback, identify issues, and serve as advocates strengthening word-of-mouth promotion. Their enthusiasm could help validate the value proposition to other audience types.

However, limiting focus solely to "Knights" risks missing opportunities to appeal to the more concept-driven "Princes" and ideation-oriented "Tourists" also represented in the RPG community. Their opinions could be critical for future improvements to make Mythos Machine more approachable and resonant to a wider range of playstyles over time.

But with the current technical foundations already in place through Mark Abrams' long-term work, starting promotion among receptive "Knights" may help generate momentum more rapidly than trying to satisfy all groups simultaneously. With an understanding that their feedback represents just the first stage in an iterative development process, targeting "Knights" seems a prudent initial step for Elthos RPG.
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