This may surprise you, but I'm not going to debate experience at this time. If Elthos is going to be a system designed to attract people new to role-playing, then the same old method will work. It's what is used in computer role-playing games, so new people will probably be used to the concept.
I urge you to try GURPS though. I am not a huge fan of the system anymore, but generating a character in GURPS tends to yield a very richly realized character before play starts.
GURPS (originally Man to Man) was the first system that I've seen that used a point buy system. The most interesting part of the point buy system is that you can not only buy stats, and skills, but you can also get advantages, and disadvantages. The disadvantage aspect is the part that makes interesting characters.
When you take a disadvantage, you are given points to spend positively elsewhere. So, you can end up with a strong boxer, with tough skin, who stutters, and is afraid of cats. Stuttering, and fear of cats, aren't just flavor text; they have in game effects.
I believe Fate uses aspects to act as both advantages and disadvantages, depending on the situation.
Anyway, give it a try so that you can get a sense of the competition. I will help you make a character one day. It will take about one hour.