Here are some ideas I had for potential new Cleric Miracles.

I tried to make them as mechanically complete as possible from what I remember of your system, though they're just suggestions at this point:

Power Name: Aura of Retribution
Alignment: Law
Time Cast Units: Melee
Duration Units: Melee or Round
Effect Units: 1 point (level 0?)
Range Units: Personal

The cleric invokes the righteous might of their patron to punish any who dare to strike them. A golden aura surrounds the cleric and for the duration of the miracle any character who hits the cleric in melee (not ranged) combat suffers 1 point of damage from the holy aura. Bonus MP can be added to the duration and/or damage.

Power Name: Bless Weapon
Alignment: Any
Time Cast Units: Minute
Duration Units: Hours
Range Units: Touch

The cleric takes a weapon in hand and prays over it, beseeching their Elkron to make it strike true and deadly. For the duration of the miracle the attack or damage bonus of the weapon is increased by one. Bonus MP can be added to the duration and/or , damage, and/or attack.

Bless Weapon is intended as a slightly less powerful, more specific, version of Blessing that I hope is around 1st level power. It can increase damage, which Blessing cannot, but the casting time is slightly longer and the effect is much less versatile overall since Blessing can make a character better at fighting or at bartering or lockpicking etc while Bless Weapon only makes a character better at fighting, and then only with one specific weapon.

Power Name: Awful Gaze
Time Cast Units: Melee
Duration Units: Melee
Effect Units: 1 point
Range Units: Not 100% sure. I first thought a single target person but I'm currently thinking maybe a cone shaped area of effect. I sort of remember your system allowing for that sort of geometerical range but I don't remember exactly how it worked.

The cleric channels the terrible wrath of their Elkron and fixes their enemies with a baleful glare. Affected characters must roll above the effect level (starts at 1) on 1d6 (possibly a wisdom roll) each melee or lose their action as they recoil in awe or terror. Bonus MP can be added to the duration and/or effect.
Originally Posted by: SLast 

Power Name: Aura of Retribution
Power Name: Bless Weapon
Power Name: Awful Gaze

Love 'em! Will add pronto. :)

The Miracle Levels may work out to be slightly higher or lower than anticipated, but I will try to cajole them into place given your suggestions. Thank you Sam!
Some adjustments required for game mechanic balancing purposes:

Aura of Retribution: The cleric invokes the righteous might of the Elkron of Law to punish any who dare to strike them. A pale blue-white aura surrounds the cleric and for 1d6 melees any Character who strikes the cleric and does damage in melee combat suffers 1 point of Retribution damage from the holy aura. Bonus MP can be added to the Duration or for every 3 MP +1 Damage to the Retribution.

Bless Weapon: The cleric takes a weapon in hand and prays over it, beseeching their Elkron to make it strike true and deadly. For the duration of the miracle the Attack Level OR Damage Bonus of the weapon is increased by 1. Bonus MP can be added to the Duration (in hours) and/or and/or Attack Level. To add to the Damage it is 3MP for each +1 Bonus Damage to weapon. Cast time: 1 minute (to keep it 1st Level Miracle)

Aweful Gaze: The cleric channels the terrible wrath of the Elkron and transfixes their enemies with a baleful glare which lasts for 1d6 Melees during which time the Cleric can not move or attack. Affected Characters must roll above their their Wisdom Requisite in the first melee of the attack to prevent losing their movement and action for the duration of the miracle as they recoil in awe or terror, paralyzed. If a Critical Hit is scored the affected Character will be compelled to fall prostrate and remain that way for 1d6 Rounds not daring to look up. Bonus MP can be added to the Duration.
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