One of the Players wants to do something that isn't specified directly in the ODS Rules and the GM wants to flex it.

A combat example
The Player wants to bash the opponent for a knockout blow instead of a kill. No problem. The knockout blow can be thought of as a boxing skill. The character, though a 2nd Level Fighter, doesn't have boxing as an elective skill. So boxing is at 1/4 his Character Level, with a minimum of 1. So he's 1st Level at boxing. Now the opponent is 1st Level Fighter who has boxing skill and is 3rd Level at it. His armor is studded leather (ACM=+1, DAB=1, DXM=0) with a Dexterity of 5 (+1 AL). So the defender's Armor Class is 1+1+1= 3 AC. Therefore the knockout blow is striking with a AL of 1, but the defender has an AC of 4. Therefore the CTH = (4+(AC-AL)) = 4 + 2 = 6, which is a low chance to hit. If he hits however, he does the Knockout. In case of a hit the damage die is rolled to determine how many melees the defender is knocked out.

Another example - poison attack
The Player wants to try to poison an opponent. He picks a mushroom that is poisonous. The GM decides the mushroom is a 4th Level poison which means it usually is lethal. The AL of the Mushroom is 4. The GM decides the mushroom's poison attack does 4d6 damage over an hour. The defender is Level 3. This plus his Strength bonus determine his AC against a poison attack. His Strength is 5 so that is +1 so his AC against the poison is 4 AC. Thus the CTH = 4 + (4-4) = 4 (or 50/50). If the attack succeeds then the damage dice of 4d6 are rolled the poison takes an hour to take full effect.

These are two examples of the common sense approach to Elthos ODS rules extention. :)

CTH = Chance To Hit
AC = Armor Class
AL = Attack Level
ACM = Armor Class Modifier
DAB = Armor's Damage Absorption
DXM = Armor's Dexterity Modifier