Is it impossible to have a trait beyond 6? When we played against an ogre last night, one of our character's had a strength rating equivalent to the ogre's. This allows players to make certain assumptions about combat and reduces the sense of risk. In game, the ogre was described to have a head the size of a man's chest. In my mind, that ogre stands around 9 feet tall, and could possess a frightening strength beyond a human. What happens if we meet a dragon that's 12 feet tall? Does it also have a strength of 6?

Does it break the rules to have a 7 or 8 for strength? The rules allow it for movement.

when I designed the system, for the sake of simplicity I decided to keep all requisites 1 to 6 so that a 1d6 can be used to roll them. If I change the maximum to some races then rolling them will be potentially problematic. For example, in the case of Ogre, I would say that they should probably, if I were doing this according to my conception of the relative strength of an ogre to Conan (who is a 6 strength in the ODS) then I would say, yup, an Ogre (all nine feet of brawn and bone) should probably be an 8. That would give him +4 Damage per blow. However, to do this I would need to allow the Ogre to roll 2d6, which means he could wind up with a 12. Conversely, I could give him a Race adjusted Bonus Strength, so he would still roll 1d6, but get lets say a +2. So the max for the Ogre would be 8 if he rolled a six. To give him a +2 would mean that I would have to add for each of the three requisites a Requisite Modifier variable, and add that to the Manage Races form. That might be a good way to handle it. Most humanoid races would get a Requisite Mod of 0, such as Humans. I might be tempted, then to give various races Mods, such as Dwarves getting +1 Strength. And Elves +1 Dex and/or Wisdom. However, doing so could (and would) overturn the current balance of the races, which was a somewhat painstaking process to achieve (though I admit, even as it is I don't think it's quite perfect). Adding Requisite Modifiers would make balancing races, I think, considerably more difficult. And could lead GMs of the future into accidentally unbalancing their world's races. And yet, I fully agree with you that Ogres should do more damage. And Dragon's especially. However, that said, I do have a work around that leaves the races intact. It's not perfect, but it's what I'm doing currently. To compensate for the discrepency I have added things like Dragon's Claws as weapons. I could add Ogre Fist, and Ogre Club, and something for each race, that gets automatically assigned when the character is created. So the weapon would be the determining factor in terms of bonus damage. Naturally, this is a somewhat flawed solution, since the reason that Ogres do more damage is *because* of the strength. So it's something of a tricky question as to how to make the system more 'realistic' but at the same time avoid some of the potential unbalancing effects of doing so. Technically, however, it would certainly not be hard to do. And perhaps the risk of creating potentially confusing / misconfigured world races is not that great, and something that GMs can be warned about in advance anyway. The Elthos world, of course, can always provide a Guideline for "properly" configured Races. Frost Giants might have a +4 strength, while Mountain Giants a +6, and Dragons +8. Balancing that out would be a bit of a task, but I don't have a zillion races at this point. With some time and thoughtful consideration it could be done.

I'll think about it further. If you have anything to add to my internal debate, please do.

Thanks! 🙂
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