The Elkron (deities) of Elthos are representatives of the primordial metaphysical structures of the Elthos Universe. Individually they can be destroyed. However, they will be replaced with others if that should happen. For example, when the Olympians overthrew the Titans, they replaced them. So the Elkron (Elthosian deities) are destructable, either by one another, or possibly by ludicrously lucky or powerful PCs. However, what can not be destroyed are the Thrones upon which they sit, without, that is, destroying the Elthos Universe itself. If that should happen, I'm afraid even the very nice Golden Deer will not be able to keep the universe from colliding in on itself. Fortunately for Elthos, however, those Thrones are the Root Causes of all things, located at the primordial foundations of reality, and are not so easily destroyed as those who may sit upon them.

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