Preliminary Project Plan

Possible items on the To Do list:

  • Help with tying the Whole Project together
  • ... Logo - help with logo design - Brainstorming, Recommendations and Sketches.
  • ... Blogger - Brainstorming, Recommendations and Sketches.
  • ... Forum - Brainstorming & Design Recommendations.
  • Help with the Look & Feel of the web application site - Brainstorming, Recommendations and Sketches.
  • ... Stylized Elements (buttons, flourishes, etc)
  • ... Color Pallet
  • ... Site Navigation
  • Grunt Work Items
  • ... Web Application Site CSS work
  • ... Blog CSS work
  • ... Forum CSS work
Ok, cool, read through everything...

• Help with tying the Whole Project together // Sounds good, we should establish a color scheme maybe - set up specific pallet - main color, accent color, and secondary colors. It'll help us all as we move forward.

• Logo - help with logo design - Brainstorming, Recommendations and Sketches. // That sounds like a great idea. We can start with the fonts on the cards and see if any of those work as a starting point. Beyond that, I need to know any goals intended for the logo (Visibility vs Graphic interest, to appear black and white and color I assume, etc.).

• Blogger - Brainstorming, Recommendations and Sketches. // Once we nail a font and color scheme, we can decide if we want images and stylization for links and headers or standard text available on the web.

• Forum - Brainstorming & Design Recommendations. // Sounds good, we should also (and you already may) decide on the max/min width for headers.

• Help with the Look & Feel of the web application site - Brainstorming, Recommendations and Sketches. // probably guided by the main design.

• Stylized Elements (buttons, flourishes, etc)// Definitely - we could list according to the overall design flow what and where flourishes are needed than look to the cards as a jumping off point to see what needs to be modified.

• Site Navigation // Do we have an overall map showing what pages we have and what ones are planned?

These Items (coding) I won't be much help on!
Grunt Work Items
... Web Application Site CSS work
... Blog CSS work
... Forum CSS work

So first up I would say color schemes and logo, let me know how you want to proceed!
Ok that's great. I want to get the site look & feel reasonably well polished - enough so that it is generally presentable to the public as a site that people will accept as a useful and handsome looking site. It doesn't need to be completely finished for me to feel that it's ok to show to the public. The most important things can be done first, and we can handle the rest over time as the project moves forward.

So Logo and Color pallet are a good place to start. I want to be up front about costs so we're both on the same page. I'm on a shoestring budget, but I want to fairly pay you for your time and effort. Therefore, if you can quote me some prices for what you might do first and next from our list, then I can tell you how much I can afford and which we should work on first. My inclination is to want to get the color pallet, the logo and the buttons and flourishes first. Navigation is important but I'm not sure it's required for an initial roll out.

I also made a few changes to the site today. If you have a chance take a quick look. I'm using the background border image to border the tables on all of the pages. It looks pretty good, I think.

And thanks for everything so far!

Another thing we want to do is figure out how much and how to feature the Tarot Deck via the site. Right now it's underplayed because I don't really have a completely coherent working system for the cards integrated into the first version of the game. That's something that I'm working on in the background and will plan to roll out over the next X number of years. Yup... this is a slow moving beast, but it will have momentum if I can simply get the ball rolling.

I didn't notice the changes, I might need to clear browser data. The front page is no longer centered and still reads that there may be hidden malware, I'll take a closer look when I get a sec.

Logo and color pallet together I could do $50 and provide the logo black and white as well as full color.
Originally Posted by: jason_m 

I didn't notice the changes, I might need to clear browser data. The front page is no longer centered and still reads that there may be hidden malware, I'll take a closer look when I get a sec.

Logo and color pallet together I could do $50 and provide the logo black and white as well as full color.

I had commented out the offending script-kiddie code so that the admins on the production server could see it. As the issue is officially closed I just removed the code itself and it should be clean now. The fact you could see that code at all suggests you have javascript turned off. The site currently relies on javascript being allowed. If you can't allow it then the entire site will not function correctly. My understanding is that you can, depending on the browser and OS, selectively turn on or off Javascript for specific sites. Or it could be your antivirus software that automatically turns it off for all sites in order to protect your computer while browsing. Not sure. But I am guessing you have javascript turned off. Is that correct?

As for the off center cards on the default page... that's a strange issue that I've noticed as well. Sometimes the cards are centered when going to the page. But sometimes for some reason they're not. I don't know why at this point. Please ignore that for now. I'm working on it. The thing is, I will probably want to change even how the default page works going forward. Even when the cards are centered I'm not really entirely satisfied with that design. Any suggestions will be happily accepted.

As for the color pallet and logo... these are important to get done, but everything needs to also be coordinated with Charles ... who unfortunately is so busy with his day job that extends into his night job (he does marketing for a living) ... it may not be easy to coordinate with him. But we should definitely try our best. If he can't find the time we will have to forge ahead without him. I can not afford to be stopped at this point. So we'll make due one way or another. It may be that instead of being hands-on involved, he might just take a final approval / disapproval position towards the end. He's a really great person, and excellent in his field. It's worth it to get his help. But coordinating may be difficult. Lets try though.

Given the above, how about this plan? You pass proposed Pallet over, and a sketch of what you think the logo might look like. It does not need to be polished. Just a design will do with basic colors so we can get an idea. I'll pass these to Charles or ask him to look (you should be able to include attachments to these posts if they are jpg images). And we'll see how that goes.

If he approves then you can finish it up and polish it, and we'll call it a day on that job and I'll send you the payment via the usual paypal method, if that's ok with you.

Sound good?
Sounds good, I'll get started on something, things will be easier with the holidays over with now.
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